Anxiety is one of the most common conditions of our world today. Stress is a natural immune response. However, when it’s encountered too often or when our brain believes that we’re going through stressful situations, anxiety attacks risk becoming more frequent. Panic attacks are triggered by accidents, physical traumas or even too much caffeine. If you believe you are prone to anxiety attacks, have a talk with a specialist to find out just what you can do to improve your situation.

Core manifestations of anxiety attacks

Anxiety Attack BasicsOne of the main signs you might be suffering from an anxiety or panic attack is a pounding heart.  The human heart is automatically correlated to what is happening in your brain, so it instantly pumps blood towards your extremities, lung and some other organs on the way. Therefore, you may experience a rise in blood pressure and tachycardia. Furthermore, you may be able to see symptoms such as shortness of breath and hyperventilating. Since the blood reaches the extremities, you may start to sweat a lot and experience some trembling or shaking.

If the attack is severe, many individuals will experience digestive symptoms such as cramps, vomiting, and even diarrhea. A diffuse pain in the abdominal region is also common in this case.

Occasionally, red blotches can show up on the surface of the skin.

Just remember, panic and anxiety attacks have a long-term negative effect on your day-to-day life. They can prevent you from getting enough sleep at night. You may feel tired and drowsy during the day.

Treatments of anxiety attacks

Anxiety Attack BasicsMost doctors nowadays prefer prescribing artificial medication to help you deal with your anxiety. At times, this medication may lower the frequency or intensity of the symptoms but avoid eliminating the cause. Moreover, all these drugs have to go through the digestive system and taking them on a daily basis most likely affects the liver.

If you would like to avoid synthetic drugs but still want to get rid of your attacks, there are two main behavioral therapies that give you a helping hand.

  • Relaxation techniques have been used for thousands of years in countries like India. The most commonly utilized relaxation technique is yoga. It can be completed with breathing exercises and stretching, as well as acupuncture and hypnosis. These are all alternative treatments that can provide positive outcomes.
  • CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This method largely focuses on turning negative thoughts into happy ones. While the whole idea behind this technique might seem really difficult in the beginning, it is a great help to individuals who are interested in eliminating attacks on a long-term basis. Sometimes, it is correlated with proper medication, particularly when the symptoms of the anxiety disorder or attack are very severe.

Consulting the opinion of a specialist is never a bad idea in the case of anxiety disorders. The key takeaway is to attempt a complex approach consisting of numerous methods to alleviate the symptoms and causes as efficiently as possible.

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