People with GAD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder, deal with daily anxiety over daily events. Sometimes the condition can also be known as Chronic Anxiety Neurosis. GAD sufferers don’t deal with the occasional anxiety about an upcoming event or situations pertaining to certain environments such as work. Rather, those with this condition often have an irrational and at times uncontrollable distress about daily things they cannot change. This anxiety can occur many times in a day or span for a longer duration. Often times, the person dealing with this anxiety knows these worries are illogical but can’t control their anxiousness no matter how much they may try to. What makes matters worse is how it affects daily living and relationships. Sometimes the anxiety conquers everything, leaving a personal paralyzed in fear.
What are the symptoms of GAD?
Some of the common symptoms of this disorder are: inability to concentrate or focus, extreme mood swings, insomnia or the inability to sleep, headaches, fatigue, and body aches. Sometimes people with this condition can also endure other symptoms like sweating, a quickened pulse, and reliance on substances such as drugs or alcohol.
People who suffer from other disorders like depression or phobias do not necessarily suffer from GAD. People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder can and often create anxiety over several things in their life for a very long period of time. Sometimes this anxiety can even extend over six months.
What are some of the causes and triggers for GAD?
While there are no set causes of triggers for GAD; however, some of the common causes for this condition are: constant exposure to high stress situations, being a victim of abuse, or having other family members who deal or struggle with anxiety. Other triggers for GAD is too much caffeine or tobacco.
How do I know if have GAD?
In order to determine whether or not you have GAD, you will need to be properly diagnosed by a doctor. During the screening, you will be asked certain types of questions about what you have been feeling and also the extended amount of time you’ve been dealing with the anxiety. Sometimes more tests may need to be run to properly diagnose you.
What are some forms of treatment for GAD?
Cognitive Therapy. This form of treatment is meant to help you change how you think and react to certain situations. With the help of your counselor, you can learn to be conscious of your anxiety and work towards controlling of it. Most times your doctor will also recommend you take medication in conjunction with the therapy.
- Prescription Drugs. Medicine can be used to help alleviate GAD either short or long term. Some of these medications can also help to provide some relief to physical symptoms associated with GAD, such as tense muscles or stomachaches.
If taking a prescription medication, it is best to stay aware of any side effects and also keep in communication with your doctor if you notice drastic effects.
- Changing your lifestyle. In addition to therapy or medication, it is also helpful to change certain habits in your life. Small changes such as exercise, proper diet, correcting your sleep schedule, or even speaking a confidant can give you positive results.
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